"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet and a Light unto my Path". Psalm 119:105

"Before doing the first principles classes, I thought that the Christian education of my children is a task of my wife" Innocent Kananga.
Innocent KANANGA is one of the believers who leads the home cells department at MINEVAM church in Bujumbura, the former political capital of Burundi.
When we met him, he was very glad to have participated in the first principles classes, a church based theological training. Before doing those classes, he had left the task of teaching the word of God and leading children in prayers to his wife. Through the teachings based on the word of God (Ephesians 6:4) he saw that this role is given to the fathers, the heads of families. Another thing he learnt is about the plan of God for the church. Before the first principles teachings, Innocent could hardly understand the plan of God for church, which is to grow, multiply spiritually, and make disciples for Christ. Thanks to this training, Innocent's mind has changed. He has taken a decision to educate spiritually his children and is more committed to serving in the church for its growth, spiritual multiplication and for making disciples.
We thank the Lord for what He is doing in the lives of believers through the first principles teachings, the church based theological training which is based on the word of God.