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'... I will not make the same mistake again '

Cephas - Pastoring a partner church

"God help me, I will not make the same mistake again! I will prepare my preaching carefully to honor the church of Christ. Cephas leads a mostly illiterate church. He did not see the need to carefully prepare his sermons because he said "they are not able to detect if I have missed up something" He repented in front of his leadership team. Today he has adopted a new method, he uses face-to-face meetings to teach the basics of the Christian faith to each member of his church.

Ndayirukiye Hypolite · mars 8

I could hardly contain my emotions during his humble confession. It was very meaningful for me. I visit many churches around the country, and I know Cephas is not alone 'to make that mistake'. May the Holy Spirit continue to move mightly in His Church

'... What a privilege for a tailor to represent the Saviour of the World to my customers '

Annociate - a tailor from a partner church

'My name is Annociate. I am a tailor. I have never found my role in the church ministry until I learn through the First principles' class that my workplace is mission field. It was a complete paradigm shift... I am still adjusting myself to it, but I can tell my attitude at job is no longer the same. I consider myself as a Christ embassador, a missionary... What a privilege for a tailor to represent the Saviour of the World to my customers! '

Annociate is following the fundamentals program in a partner church in the north of Bujumbura. "All of her colleagues have been telling me about her sudden change for some time, I recognized that it is since she started participating in the fundamentals class at our church" says her pastor.

Prayer requests

Wisdom for our apostolic team to effectively serve the churches in the region

The move of the Holy Spirit in the churches so that the love and grace of God may be revealed to sorounding communities

Protection against different diseases that threaten Burundian population - mainly Malaria! Half of our staff is curently sick.

Wisdom for church leaders during this critical period when the current policy does not allow churches to operate in rented buildings. The majority of the churches do not have the means to build their own buildings.



Below are all the churches and para-church organizations we've been serving since 2016

  • Eglise Baptiste Karonke

  • EMGA Makamba

  • ECRESE Buhiga-Karusi

  • Shemeza Holy Temple 

  • MCER Bujumbura

  • New Beginnings Church

  • ADONAI Bukavu

  • ICJ Foundation

  • EMGA Kinindo

  • Holy spirit rivival Church-Kabezi

  • Eglise Evangélique de Jakin 

  • Bethel Good Fountain

  • True vine Church 

  • Africa Gospel Church

  • Emmaüs Uvira

  • Shammah Temple Fellowship Ngagara

  • Shalom International

  • Eglise Vivante de CIBITOKE

  • Three in one Ministries-Cibitoke 

  • Berracah Holy Temple Kagwema

  • Eglise Vivante Buganda

  • Calvary Transformation church

  • Bethel Pentecostal Apostolic Church

  • Eglise Pentecote Enihakkore

  • Joyeux Alléluia Ruziba

  • Joyeux Alléluia Busoro

  • Shammah Temple Mukaza

  • Maranatha Ngozi

  • Shammah Temple Muramvya

  • Beracah Holy Temple



  • Eglise vivante Rweza

  • Holy Spirit Rivival church-Ruziba

  • MGC Gakenke-Ngozi

  • Eglise Evangélique de la Charité et de Paix

  • Maranatha - SONGWE                    

  • Maranatha Gitega 

  • Eglise d'Amour & Fraternité

  • Eglise SINAI - Ntunda

  • EMGA Gitega

  • Eglise de Dieu de la Prophétie

  • Fleuve de Vie Bukeye

  • EMGA Carama-Bujumbura

  • MGC Busiga

  • New Hope Outreach

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